Discover the future of dairy farming powered by Dairymaster. Our commitment to crafting dairy solutions goes beyond innovation—it’s our passion.
Experience milking the way that nature intended. It’s not just about the process; it’s about elevating your farm’s efficiency and safeguarding your work-life balance while ensuring the well-being of your herd.
We are not just building products; we are crafting the future of dairy farming while valuing tradition and the connection with your animals. Experience the difference and improve your life with Dairymaster.

Steigern Sie Ihre Melkeffizienz mit dem MobiStar Swing – hier trifft Innovation auf Anpassungsfähigkeit.
Entdecken Sie die Innovation des Melkens mit unserem komplett vorinstallierten Melkstand mit der hochmodernen Swing-Over-Technologie von Dairymaster.
Ausgerichtet auf Schnelligkeit, Flexibilität und anpassungsfähige Finanzierungsoptionen wurde der MobiStar Swing entwickelt, um Ihr Melkerlebnis zu revolutionieren.

Lernen Sie den MobiStar Hydraulic kennen – einen mobilen Melkstand mit revolutionärem Design.
Durch die bewegliche Plattform und das elegante Design lässt sich der Melkstand leicht in verschiedenen Umgebungen installieren und eignet sich ideal als (halb)permanenter Melkstand.
Dank der beweglichen Plattform und des intelligenten Designs lässt es sich problemlos in verschiedenen Umgebungen installieren. Dadurch ist es leicht zu verlegen und eignet sich ideal als (halb)permanenter Melkstand.

Revolutionieren Sie Ihren Ziegenmelkbetrieb mit dem MobiGoat – einem Symbol für Effizienz, Anpassungsfähigkeit und dauerhaften Wert.
Der MobiGoat rationalisiert Ihren Melkprozess und ist bekannt für sein Melkzeugpositionierungssystem, das eine hohe Kapazität von maximal 450 Ziegen pro Stunde gewährleistet.
Die kippbare Plattform mit robusten, klappbaren Toren für einen einfachen Gruppenwechsel unterscheidet sie von anderen konventionellen Melkanlagen.
The new conventional way of milking goes beyond the normal—it’s about elevating the entire experience. Bid farewell to the ordinary and welcome a process meticulously designed to enhance your well-being and the efficiency of your herd.
We’re working to improve tomorrow’s milking standard by introducing a new view that blends modern innovation with time-honored practices. Our solutions not only boost yield but also embrace the emotional connection between farmer and herd. From ensuring complete milk-out to reduced milking time, thanks to the unique combination of the claw, liner, and pulsation system. This isn’t just a shift; it’s a revolution in every drop.
The natural approach of a calf suckling from a cow keeps the cow’s teats healthy. This inspired us to closely observe their actions in designing the Dairymaster milking system. We’ve crafted a milking system that mimics the calf’s suckling technique, prioritizing the well-being of the cow and her teats. Resulting in a low-stress milking process that leads to healthier cows, and healthier cows mean higher milk yields.
Dairymaster’s advanced liner and milking vacuum simulates this calf-suckling process. By relaxing the vacuum during rest phases, we encourage blood flow to the cow’s teat, contributing to faster, more thorough, and gentler milking. In contrast, many other milking systems rely on a consistently high vacuum to prevent liner slip and fall-off, subjecting the cow’s teat to constant high pressure, potentially leading to issues like hyperkeratosis and other challenges.
Finding out what type of parlour suits your needs is usually the first step in the design process. When thinking about buying a parlour, you must consider what your herd is going to look like in ten years’ time.
Are you going to expand your herd? Are there any land restrictions to the number of cows you can keep in the future? In the current climate with herds expanding rapidly it is necessary to take this into account during the design process. The best way to design a good working parlour is to prioritise good cow flow to and from the parlour. Optimal cow flow can be established by creating a smart layout. Cows do not like sharp bends, level differences, slippery floors or protruding objects. By simplifying the decision-making process, you can efficiently choose a milking parlour that aligns with your current needs and future aspirations.